Geodyssey is a collection of puzzles with a bit of a geocaching twist, although you don’t have to be a geocacher to solve them.
There are three parts to Geodyssey:
- The Local Challenge, for people able to visit South Florida
- The Remote Challenge, for people elsewhere in the world
- The Hidden Challenge, for everyone to discover
The puzzles are completely free: there’s no cost to access the site, and there are no banner ads on it.
As part of the rollout, I’m also running a contest through the end of March 2016. Everyone who completes one of the three Geodyssey challenges by then will be entered into a drawing to win their own copy of the book Puzzlecraft. Details are available on the Contest page.
I drew upon two sources of inspiration to create Geodyssey. First, I wanted to create a sequel to the Puzzle Solving 101 series of geocaches that I created back in 2007. Second, I wanted to try my hand at creating some of the puzzles in the book Puzzlecraft: The Ultimate Guide on How to Construct Every Kind of Puzzle by Mike Selinker and Thomas Snyder, especially ones I’d never constructed before. The grand prize in the contest for each challenge is a copy of that book.
I started designing Geodyssey in the summer of 2015, and I’m really interested to know what you think of it. If you’ve got an opinion, suggestion, or question about Geodyssey (good or bad), please get in touch with me. You can reply to this message or use the Contact form on the web site.
I’ll be sending news updates about Geodyssey on this list as well as posting them on my blog at
Enjoy the puzzles, and good luck to the contestants!
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